Today's Story of Success is about creating sustainable, lasting change. In order to achieve long-term change or success, it is important to address the barriers that get in the way of forward progress. By partnering with a TrestleTree Health Coach, this participant was able to overcome challenges in his health journey and maintain motivation to continue working toward his health goals.
This TrestleTree participant came into health coaching after gaining a lot of weight. He wanted to build lifelong healthy habits, but he also felt he had many barriers to making the necessary changes. He and his Health Coach discussed the importance of setting realistic expectations in goal areas, such as exercise and nutrition. In a few months, he went from being inactive to working out regularly. His Coach also helped him understand how to balance his meals with certain foods to support his weight loss goals, and the participant has made significant progress in this area. Since working with his Health Coach, he has lost 12 pounds and is motivated to keep working towards his goals!