Having someone to walk alongside you as you make health behavior changes can be the difference between a few months and lasting change. At TrestleTree, our Health Coaches focus on sustainable lifestyle activities to support healthy living for life. Today’s Story of Success demonstrates how this focus created long-term results for a participant.
This TrestleTree participant had bariatric surgery after years of dieting, going to Weight Watchers and seeing no results. Her ongoing health issues may have influenced her weight and limited her ability to exercise. Recommended by her doctor, she agreed to weight loss surgery, and she is pleased that her weight is down from 254 to 205 pounds. In addition to working together pre-surgery, she and her Health Coach focused on sustaining the necessary lifestyle changes post-surgery and troubleshooting barriers around both exercise and nutrition. The participant expressed great determination to make this experience successful, and she was willing to make changes to overcome every obstacle in her path. She feels better with the weight loss and appreciates the support of her Health Coach to maintain changes and continue to make lasting changes!